2M Products

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2M Technologies offers several ERP packages that we have developed in house for commercial distribution.  These are products based upon Microsoft Technologies and are available as both On Premesis and Software as a Service (SaaS) models.

As a family, they are referred to as the Response family of Software Applications, and there are several editions: 

    • Response - our core product and standard ERP application, geared around the needs of Distributors and light manufacturer

    • ResponsePro - our application catering to Manufacturers of all types

    • OthoWare - a specialized version of ResponsePro, developed around the needs of O&P / Central Fabrication Medical Device Production Laboratories

    • ResponseSVC - Service-Oriented Businesses should take a look at 2M's Response application; designed for the needs of companies who dispatch technicians, track contracts or bill for their time.

    • Response3PL - addresses the needs of clients who warehouse and transport goods owned by their clients, where the transport - not the goods - are their focus 

2M's unique combination of IT fluency plus business understanding allows us to create solutions where no "off the shelf" solution does the trick.  2M will work with you and create a solution - building upon what we can and developing what we have to.  In this way, 2M stands apart from other IT companies and consultants that must work within the strict constraints of a product.

VIPRE Cloud Endpoint Protection

VIPRE combines antivirus technology, antispyware, anti-rootkit and other anti-malware security technologies into an advanced security solution that won't slow down your computer.

Click here for more information!

2M is a Microsoft Silver Cloud Platform Partner and experts in the Microsoft Clouds (Azure and Microsoft365). 

This enables us to utilize the Cloud for providing innovative and powerful solutions to our clients; solutions that are mobile, resiliant and always-available.  

Our Azure Migration Services are tried and true and we have successfully migrated many customers into the Azure Cloud from ground-based architectures. 

We are also specialists in Hybrid Cloud and in refactoring or rearchitecting ground-based or legacy solutions to take advantage of Cloud.

Contact us for more information!

Microsoft Azure is a Cloud-based, powerful and secure Platform as a Service offering from Microsoft.  2M uses it extensively for extending the internal IT infrastructure within our clients Data Centers (and our own). 

By eliminating the need to purchase hard assets (and continually maintain and update them), the client may enjoy greater capability and flexibility than would have been possible if it were necessary to purchase the hardware, licenses, etc. 

In addition, we have leveraged this PaaS in order to deliver Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions to our customers.

The Powerful Azure Active Directory (AzureAD) is a defacto method of achieving user Authentication (including MFA) and Rights Management.

SQL Azure is a powerful, resilient and cost-effective Relational Database that supports most of the capabilities of MS SQL Server and extends capabilities with its own rich set of security and redundancy properties.

Azure Storage is a very cost-effective and powerful Service for Storing Data in a secure and redundant state.

Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery provide powerful DRaaS capability to Ground-based and Cloud-based Computing.

Contact us for more information!


Microsoft Dynamics CRM is available On Premesis, but is also available in The Cloud (formerly known as CRM Online).  This deployment model is purely a SaaS model - you dispense with the need to license O/S, database, product and software assurance.  Instead, you subscribe to the service, use the product.  IT issues like upgrades and maintenance are handled at Microsoft's Data Centers and implemented without the need for intervention by you or your team.  You receive the most up-to-date version of the product and avoid heavy capital investments on servers and licenses.

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